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Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising is a 2013 direct-to-video television film that concludes the Transformers: Prime show. It was broadcast on Hub Network on October 4, 2013. After the Autobots victory on Earth Unicron returns in possession of Megatron 's body with the intent on destroying Cybertron, forcing Autobots, Decepticons and Predacons to form an unlikely alliance to counter this threat. - With their base destroyed, the Autobots and their human companions have separated and gone into hiding, while the Decepticons settle into their new fortress, Darkmount, and repel a military assault. Smokescreen finds Optimus Prime, still alive but badly damaged and close to death, in the wreckage of the Autobot base.
- As the Autobots try to re-group, Shockwave arrives in Darkmount after years of isolation on Cybertron, and is welcomed back into the Decepticon ranks. The ugly truth movie soundtrack free mp3 download. Wheeljack escapes from Darkmount and sets off to rendezvous with Bulkhead and Miko, unaware that Starscream has planted a tracking device on him. After Starscream's armada fails to apprehend Wheeljack, Shockwave introduces Predaking, an enormous reptilian creature created in Shockwave's laboratory and specially bred to hunt down Autobots. Meanwhile, high-ranking Autobot general Ultra Magnus arrives on Earth and sets about reuniting the scattered members of Team Prime.

- The Autobots attack Darkmount in an attempt to disable its firepower to allow human military to destroy it. As Optimus prepares to join with the Allspark, Smokescreen uses the Forge to repair him, and makes him a new, more powerful body. Optimus joins the Autobots at Darkmount and, with human support, destroys Darkmount. The Autobots adjust to new group dynamics within their expanded team and Optimus Prime scans a new vehicle form, but Smokescreen privately starts to regret not becoming a Prime. The Decepticons, having found fossilized Predacon bones on Earth, launch a scheme to clone an army of Predacons through the same method that created Predaking.
Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack, Bulkhead and Miko are in the wilderness of Scotland investigating a Decepticon excavation site for Predacon fossils, but tension builds between the group as Wheeljack acts recklessly and ignores Magnus's commands. On the Nemesis, Starscream is given the task of training Predaking, but he struggles to get the uncooperative beast to follow orders.
While Arcee and Wheeljack are on a mission to gather a Predacon bone, Agent Fowler and June collect another bone in storage at a museum. As they leave, however, Knock Out captures them and holds them hostage in the trunk of his vehicle mode, but soon finds that he is unable to call for a Ground Bridge because the communications systems on the Nemesis are damaged.
Knock Out is researching Ratchet's Synthetic Energon formula, and is using Silas (who is still implanted within Breakdown's corpse) as a test subject. The formula makes Silas extremely aggressive, so Starscream suggests injecting him with Dark Energon to make him easier to control. However, the mixture of the two Energons turns Silas into a mindless zombie craving fresh Energon, and he wanders the ship infecting any crew member he encounters by draining their Energon. The Predacon army is almost fully grown and ready for deployment, but Predaking suddenly surprises everyone by revealing he is able to transform and is more intelligent than first thought. Despite Predaking pledging his loyalty, Megatron still worries that he will eventually lead the Predacons to rebel against the Decepticons, so he plans to terminate Project: Predacon by leading the Autobots to the laboratory and having them unwittingly destroy the clones for them. Having discovered that the combination of Predacon CNA and Synthetic Energon creates raw cyber-matter (the substance Cybertron is made of), the Decepticons plan to repair the Omega Lock, restore Cybertron and cyberform Earth through this process. While gathering equipment for the project, Soundwave is captured by the Autobots, who take him to their base and try to interrogate him about Megatron's plans, but he deletes all of his information and shuts himself down.