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This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: – ( May 2017) () • Part 1 introduces the Stone Mask ( 石仮面, Ishikamen), an artifact discovered in Aztec ruins that reacts to contact with blood. When it is worn by someone and blood is spilled on it, the Stone Mask produces spikes that drive themselves into the wearer's skull, transforming them into an immortal ( 吸血鬼, Kyūketsuki). These Vampires drain people of their blood through their fangs or their fingers and seemingly have full control of their bodies, able to heal from most injuries and can combine other creatures into abominations. A Vampire can only be killed by destroying the head, or by exposure to natural sunlight or ultraviolet rays.

The Ripple ( 波紋, Hamon) is also introduced as a martial arts technique that allows the user to focus bodily energy via controlled breathing. It is effective in combating vampires, as experienced Ripple users can emulate sunlight. Such energy is also useful in combating Zombies ( 屍生人 ( ゾンビ ), Zonbi, also referred to as 'Undead' ( 亡者 ( アンデッド ), Andeddo)) created by vampires.
• Part 2 introduces the Pillar Men ( 柱の男, Hashira no Otoko), an ancient race of apex predators and progenitors to the Vampires. One of their members created the Stone Masks in an attempt to find a way to bypass their species' weakness to sunlight so they may rule Earth. When they are exposed to sunlight, they turn to stone, thus making them susceptible to the energies of the Ripple. Their surviving members seek out the Red Stone of Aja ( エイジャの赤石, Eija no Sekiseki), a flawless version of a naturally occurring gem that amplifies light into nearly laser precision which is able to perfect the transformation into a truly immortal being with control over all life's forces.
Katalog pochtovih marok michel 2013. It is for this reason that the Ripple users protect the flawless Super Aja so it can never fall into the hands of the Pillar Men. • Part 3 introduces the supernatural power of Stands ( スタンド, Sutando), so named because the semi-physical manifestation of the user's psychic powers resembles a spiritual familiar standing next to them. Joseph Joestar first refers to it as a 'Ghostly Ripple' ( 幽波紋 ( スタンド ), Sutando, but without it would be pronounced yū hamon). A person may obtain a Stand through bloodlines, rigorous spiritual and/or Ripple training, exceptionally strong willpower, desire and/or passion. A Stand may never manifest itself until it is amplified by certain conditions or factors and not everyone has the ability to control it. Some Stands appear to have a separate and autonomous personality from their users, able to act on their own to protect them or speak to them.

Generally, if the Stand user is incapacitated, the Stand will no longer be a threat and destroying a Stand will result in the death of its user. • Part 4 introduces a Bow and Arrow ( 弓と矢, Yumi to Ya), forged from a mysterious meteorite that made its way to Earth after being drawn in by the spiritual powers of the planet's inhabitants.