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16> ocherednoi nomer programmy, vyhod; scenka, intermediya _Ex: short. Full-time author on stal professional'nym pisatelem _Ex: both poets turned in the end. Prekrasnye tkani _Ex: to turn out electricians vypuskat' elektrikov _Ex: to turn.

Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.60) (0.50) (0.50) tuI Text-Based User Interface [WordPerfect] tu. Tuesday noun vtornik tuareg 1> tuareg 2> tamashek (yazyk tuaregov); tuaregskii yazyk tudor 1> tyudorovskii, epohi Tyudorov _Ex: tudor architec ture arhitektura epohi Tyudorov tudoresque 1> tyudorovskii, epohi Tyudorov _Ex: tudoresque architec ture arhitektura epohi Tyudorov tues. Tuesday noun vtornik tuesday 1> vtornik _Ex: on tuesday vo vtornik _Ex: to come every tuesday prihodit' kazhdyi vtornik tuesdays 1> _razg. Po vtornikam _Ex: the park is closed tuesdays po vtornikam (vo vtornik) park zakryt tungus 1> tungus, evenk 2> v gram. Pril.: tunguso-manchzhurskii tungusic 1> tunguso-manchzhurskaya sem'ya yazykov, tunguso-manchzhurskie yazyki 2> tunguso-manchzhurskii tunis noun g. Tunis tunisia noun Tunis tunisian 1> tunisec; zhitel' ili urozhenec Tunisa _Ex: the tunisians _sobir. Tuniscy 2> tunisskii tupi 1> tupi (dialekt indeicev Brazilii) turanian 1> _sobir.
Uralo-altaiskie yazyki 2> govoryashii na odnom iz uralo-altaiskih yazykov 3> uralo-altaiskii turco- 1> (tzh. Turko-) v slozhnyh slovah imeet znachenie: tureckii, tyurkskii _Ex: turcologist tyurkolog _Ex: turkoman turkmen _Ex: turco-Bulgarian turecko-bolgarskii turcoman 1> tyurk turin noun g.
Turin turing machine 1> _mat. Mashina T'yuringa turing machine 1> mashina T'yuringa. Abstraktnaya mashina, ispol'zovannaya T'yuringom dlya tochnogo opredeleniya ponyatii algoritma i vychislimosti.

Turk 1> turok; turchanka _Ex: the turks _sobir. Turki _Ex: Young turks _ist. Mladoturki 2> musul'manin 3> ozornoi, neposlushnyi rebenok (tzh. Little turk) 4> _redk. Zhestokii, grubyi chelovek, tiran _Ex: to turn (to become) turk stat' razdrazhitel'nym, vysokomernym ili zhestokim 5> tureckaya loshad' turk's-cap lily 1> _bot. Carskie kudri (Lilium martagon) turk.
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