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The terrorist ran with a knife at the soldiers facing riots in the area in yet another 'Day of Rage' and stabbed one of them in the shoulder. The soldier was originally said to be in light. CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian military court has sentenced a freelance journalist who reported on the Sinai insurgency to 10 years in prison on terror-related charges. The Cairo military court on Tuesday convicted Ismail Alexandrani of spreading false news and joining an outlawed group, without identifying it. The verdict can be appealed.

CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian military court has sentenced a freelance journalist who reported on the Sinai insurgency to 10 years in prison on terror-related charges. The Cairo military court on Tuesday convicted Ismail Alexandrani of spreading false news and joining an outlawed group, without identifying it. The verdict can be appealed.


Alexandrani was detained in 2015 upon his return to Egypt after delivering a presentation on Sinai militancy in Berlin. He worked for several news outlets in Egypt. Egypt has heavily restricted media access to the northern Sinai, where it has struggled to combat an Islamic State-led insurgency that has carried out attacks across the country.

Egyptian authorities have jailed several journalists as part of a wide-ranging crackdown on dissent, and have passed vague laws criminalizing the dissemination of “false news.”.

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Na vola vakarautaki e vakarautaka na Secretariat of the Pacific Community ena veitokoni ni. Dua nai vola dusidusi, tolu na tikidua kei na ruasagavulu ka ciwa nai tukutuku ni ika kei na sasalu.