Norton Ghost 115 Auto Boot Cd Iso

Jan 31, 2018 - I have the Symantec ISO (Ghost 15.0). Norton Ghost 15 I make a ghost of a hard disk. Programma dlya nastrojki antenni 4g. With the boot cd, i do the ghost of a hard drive with.

AutoNorton ghost 115 auto boot cd iso file

To make the ISO file. Note that file can be anywhere in your system (wherever you have stored it). Use RMPrepUSB - Boot from ISO ( Ctrl+F11) and make sure it boots correctly.

The new ISO should boot now if using Easy2Boot. However, if the original ISO contained some non-Windows folders in the root of the ISO (e.g. PROJECT or UTILITIES) then you may need to extract these and copy them to the root of you USB boot drive. If you are using Easy2Boot, rename the.iso file to.isoPE01 and if booting from an E2B USB flash drive, the ISO will be automatically mounted as drive Y: once WinPE boots - the code should then be able to find the special folders without them needing to be copied to the USB drive first (you must test this on a real system, it won't work under a VM). Edwardian script itc russkij.