Nataljya Onufrieva Bogi Soshedshie S Nebes

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Army of Husayn ibn Ali [ ] The following is a list of casualties of Husayn ibn Ali's companions in Battle of Karbala. Descendants of Banu Hashim [ ] These people were descendents of and members of who died in the Battle of Karbala. Descendants of Ali ibn Abi Talib [ ] Sons of Ali ibn Abi Talib [ ] The following were sons of ibn Abi Talib: [ ] • •, half-brother of Husayn ibn Ali, from •, half-brother of Husayn ibn Ali and full brother of Abbas ibn Ali. •, half-brother of Husayn ibn Ali and full brother of Abbas ibn Ali. • Abdullah ibn Ali, from Layla bint Mas’ud. • Abdul Rahman ibn Ali • • Musa ibn Ali Sons of Hassan ibn Ali [ ] The following were sons of Hassan ibn Ali: [ ] •, the son of and grandson of Ali ibn Abu Talib •, the son of Umm Wald.

PCP Centre: Women’s Christian College & Sarojini Naidu College. Detail: PCP Schedule of Post Graduate Political Science (PGPS), Part-II, Paper-VI (Public Administration) for July 2017 Batch. Weekly 1.0://

A young boy, who ran out of the tent to save Husayn when he was being killed, and died before Husayn. Retrieved 15 November 2015. External link in website= () • John L. Esposito (2004). Oxford University Press.

• ^ Ahmed, A.K. Qum: Ansariyan Publications. Retrieved January 24, 2013. • Ahmed, A.K. Qum: Ansariyan Publications. Retrieved January 24, 2013. • Sheikh, Al-Mufeed.

Nataljya Onufrieva Bogi Soshedshie S Nebes

Kitab al-Irshad. Translated by IKA Howard. Ansariyan Publications. • •, pp. vol.XIX pp.

Nataljya Onufrieva Bogi Soshedshie S Nebes

178–179 • Mirza, Ghulam Abbas. 'Life of Husain'. External link in publisher= ().

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