Iphoto 961 Free Download
IPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand come for free with every new Mac. First, if your computer didn't come with iPhoto, open the App Store (you can find it in the Dock or in > App Store), go to Purchases tab and download iPhoto for free.
Thanks everyone for your help. I apologize for not being more clear. I'm well aware that iPhone will not install in Windows.

I should have said I was trying to install it on my iPhone. I was given to understand from another source that this was a possible solution. Obviously, not so.
Also, I certainly knew about Window's Photo Gallery, which imports from iPhone. I was trying to find a way to sync my media at the same time as my calendar, contacts, etc in one 'swell foop', instead of having to perform two separate operations. Apparently, that is also not possible in the 'matter - anti-matter' worlds of Apple and Windows. Thanks again! Ah, well, you CAN do what you want. You can sync photos from Windows to the Photo Album app on the iPhone as part of the sync for everything else.
The details are in the manual, but briefly, either use Adobe Photoshop Elements and create albums which will then sync, or create a separate folder for iPhone photos. Create a subfolder for each album and put copies of the photos you want into each subfolder. Then connect the phone and click on the Photos tab. Select the top level folder you created and sync.
I've found the built in Photo app to be rather primitive, however. Instead I use Picasa on my computer to manage my photo library (available for both Mac and Windows). I installed the iPicaso app on the phone. Picasa lets me publish selected albums to the web, and iPicaso lets me view them on the iPhone complete with captions (which the built in app lacks). IPicasa will either view them in a streaming mode or download them to the phone.
An interesting thing re: Picasa - I also have PC (Windows 7), and when I add a Geotag to a photograph and sync the photo back onto my iPhone, the Geotag works properly and appears in the Photos app, under 'Moments' properly with a map location. But when I add a Geotag to a *video* which was shot on the iPhone, copied off the Camera roll into a folder on my hard drive, and then synched back onto the iPhone, it doesn't include the original Geotag the iPHone gave it when it made the video file.
If I ADD a Geotag to the video on my computer using Picasa, the Geotag also doesn't show up when I sync the file back onto the iPhone. Proshivka modem svyaznoj manual. Any ideas for how to add a Geotag onto a.MOV file (especially one which had been shot on iPhone and copied off, trying to sync back onto the iPhone)?
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