Igo Primo 20 Full
Nov 21, 2017 iGO PRIMO NEXTGEN + Full Europe Map 2016.Q2 [] Welcome to GPSurl - GPS Discussion Board GPSurl Forum is a place for gps, car &.
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Want to see what's possible with iGo Primo's sys.txt? Here's a post I copied from navitiotal.com that lists all lines of sys.txt that can be used. I have no idea if this is a usable sys.txt file (actually, I doubt it will work in current form, and some settings look like they are definitely location-specific), but I'm posting this as a reference for all the settings possible to be used in the sys.txt file. DO NOT USE ANY SETTING YOU SEE IN THIS FILE WITHOUT BACKING UP YOUR CURRENT SYS.TXT FILE FIRST!!!

[device] sdcard_name='SDMEM' type='Audiovox_USA_OE'; identifies where the file will be used and is required for Advent OE navi units;### general smartzoom settings; angle: 0 = from top, 90 = horizontal but crash (max is 89) [camera]; common settings maxdistance=1000 maxdistance2d=1000; 2D settings minzoom2d=200 maxzoom2d=1500 defaultzoom2d=1200; 3D settings minzoom=40 maxzoom=100 defaultzoom3d=80 minangle=40 maxangle=89 defaultangle=85 angleoffset=25;### test overview_enabled=0;0 1 Always North Up? Test vekslera wppsi. I see no difference in the operation of the iGO no matter what changes I make with the system configurator. I have even copied the exact sys.text file from CPD1670 above and still no difference. I am at a loss.
I really just want the navigation loaded automatically so it is available when I want it. I guess that will be part of my routine when getting in the truck to just hit the NAV button to get it loaded.
I'm in the same boat. I cannot find any changes on anything with any sys file I create and save. I don't know what the deal is. After screwing around with the sys.txt file for a while and not getting it to work I dug deeper into the.ini files in the.zip files. I figure the.ini files were overriding anything that was set in the sys.txt. I found a number of the entries that can appear in the sys.txt file in various.ini files. I was able to 'fix' the gps altitude that never changed on my unit.
I also found a setting that appears to turn off the user agreement when first entering the nav page. Interestingly, I also was able to cause my unit to run out of memory.
It popped up a message a few minutes after it was on the nav page telling me it was running out of memory. First, the two files I modified were igo9.ini and Audiovox_USA_OE.ini. Both are located in the data.zip file in the root of the sd card (or wherever you have igo installed). In the igo9.ini, mine has the following: [gps] delay_after_pos_valid=1000 delay_after_pos_invalid=1;added next line 3.11.2012 -bt set_messages='0' [interface] skin='ui_igo9' newalignment=1 bilang_city=1 enable_stateanim=1 builtin_themes='SKIN~Default - night skin_night,SKIN~Picto default_picto,SKIN~Picto Night default_picto_night' resultsinqueryorder=1 use_autohint=0 font_quality='light' show_tutorial=1 use_dual_names=0 theme_night='skin_night';added next two lines 3.11.2012 -bt recalc_voice='0';start_navigation_time='3' Only the lines after my comment were modified. Everything else was already there. After I got the memory error I commented out the start_navigation_time='3' line and I haven't gotten the error again. Changing that line didn't seem to do anything for me anyway.
I really want the unit to go straight to the map rather than make me choose map or navigate but I haven't figured that one out yet. In the Audiovox file, I have the following: [interface] shutdown_time=0 maxzoom2d=6000000 show_exit=0 exit_on_sd_remove=1;next line modified 3.11.2012 -bt was drive_carefully=1 drive_carefully=0 default_anim_off=0 After making the above change I no longer get the user agreement page. Interestingly, even if I put it back to it's original setting I still don't get the page. It seems I've removed that requirement altogether.