Hunger Games 2 Minecraft Map Download 15 2

The Walking Dead is a map of the famous TV series, Season 1,2,3,4,5, 6 it is a Adventure map. Survive The Night in the Jail, Hershel's Home, Terminus, Camp, CDC,Terminus, Atlanta, Zombie mine its all Update 12-03-16 Added Zombiemine, roads, And working on Alexandria 21-02-15 Big update Added Noahs village, roads, police cars ad the hospital 03-01-15 added feedback railroad tunnels in the city, connect to station, fixt som little thins in the map 30-12-14 Big Update Hospital Where beth was 25-10-14 Season 5 premiere, added the Church, Foobbank city, explosion fireworks Terminus. And check it out. 26-09-14 Preparing for Season5 Washington D.C Church fixt landscape update to 1.7.9 added houses, roads, bigger map, truck and a lot more 02-05-14 added Pine Vista Country club tot the map, Crash crafting dead fixt. 27-04-14 added TERMINUS, Railroad to Terminus, Bigspot mall, more roads and fun.
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Direct Download (zip) Fullscreen. Hunger games survival map. Did you have a Minecraft Forum and Planet Minecraft account? DozeSoviet99 6 days.
Download it now 02-01-14 Fixt some Bugs And made it compatible to crafting Dead-Cure.Guns and other stuff can be used, loot will spawn. Modded zombies still not spawn:{ i ame working on it. 30-11-13 replaced the strained clay block for wool (no more disappearing blocks)in 1.5.2 30-11-13 Add Carriage bar, New camp the Governor, looted camp 24-11-13 fixt the chest problems 22-11-13 Add American Dinner, Explotions in the CDC building (Destruction Button) 09-11-13 Add Hospital, Gas Station, new roads.
More Zombies 25-10-13 Bigger map, raod to the city, tank, skyscrapers and a lot more action. 13-10-13 add CDC Building and central spawn location plz leave comment 29-09-13 MEGA update Trailerpark, Woodbury, Bigger road, Village And a lot more. 24-09-13 add crashed Helicopter, bigger road, New little farm 15-09-13 Add Safe Points, Tents to the game. 07-08-13 New Spawning point, Road, Cars, More Weapons & Zombies add to The Game 09-03-13 HERSHEL'S HOME 13-02-13 add RULES to the Game. Requisite Minecraft 1.7.2 or higher Do You have Tips? PLease leave it in the Comment Gr Jeromsky.
This originally started as my world edit experimentation map, but it got so big that I decided to upload it. I thought that this could be a kind of pvp map, with teams of 2 who could capture buildings and use them as bases. I made this with the technic pack installed but I removed any blocks from mods in the technic pack so it is playable with vanilla, however, there was this one mod that spawned really cool buildings into the world, so I did use 2 or 3 of them, so kudos to whoever made that map. What makes this map unique is that it is so big- the combination of underground cave systems and bases make it what I think is one of the best maps around. If I put this in the wrong category then sorry.