Emulator Android Untuk Ram 1gb
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Guide to use WhatApp on computer: In this tutorial I’ve used BlueStack App Player because it is free and works on both Windows and Mac. BlueStack needs a powerful computer with dedicated graphics card to run all Android apps and games smoothly. First download and install BlueStack App Player on your computer. Once installation is complete you will be greeted with the BlueStack home screen.
We can install both free and paid Android apps and games on BlueStack from Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, Get Jar and 1Mobile. To install any apps on BlueStack, click on the ‘Search’ icon on top right corner. A new windows will open where you can enter the name of applications or games. In this screen type ‘WhatsApp’ and click on ‘Find’ button. You will get many alternative options to install the app, select any one and hit the ‘Install’ button. Start WhatsApp Messenger on BlueStack and enter your phone number.
Keep in mind that WhatsApp doesn’t allow to use the same phone number on more than one device. So you have to use any new mobile phone number or use a home phone number instead. WhatsApp will try to verify the phone number automatically but the verification process will fail. Then it will show a screen where you can manually enter the 6 digit verification code.
If you don’t receive the verification code you can use the ‘Call me’ option. You will get a call from WhatsApp with the verification code. Once the verification process is complete you will be able to create your account and add contacts.
Now you are ready to use WhatsApp Messenger on computer. Leader Board Leading Today Pts Helpful 1.
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