Download Heroes Lore Wind Of Soltia English Version
Oct 5, 2008 - If you scour the Internet for information on Heroes Lore, you'll. To the point that the download servers overloaded and shut down. This did not happen with the English language release, and the game suffers as a result. Now the long waiting is over, The full English version of Heroes Lore Zero is now available only here. If you enjoyed playing Heroes lore wind of Soltia, get ready to experience beautiful graphics, new monsters, new locations, new items, new skills, and new characters.

The best selling mobile sensation from Korea has finally arrived internationally! Journey into a land of heroes to save an entire world from evil in this epic adventure filled with combat, quests, magic, and monsters. Bugs bunny and taz time busters crack. Discover the truth behind your mysterious past and gain mastery over powerful magic that lets you control the elements and summon powerful guardians to do your bidding. Battle through untold dangers and collect a massive arsenal of swords, axes, shields and armor, combining them with magic to create the ultimate weapons for your epic quest. Voyage through a huge game world of dungeons, towns and vast wastelands - all filled with deadly monsters and giant bosses. Confront your destiny and become a true hero of legend!
• Heroes Lore 1 & 2 have generated over 2 million downloads in Korea • Heroes Lore 2 recognized as the most successful mobile RPG of the year in Korea • Heroes Lore 2 generated over 100,000 downloads in less than a week • Heroes Lore was the most searched item in Korea’s largest Internet portal, NAVER – • Recent release of Heroes Lore 3 posted the biggest blockbuster mobile sales ever regardless of genre • Heroes Lore has become so popular that a manga has been created based on the game Key Features • Choose from three characters: Knights, Rogue or Guardian. • Customize your characters as you play and level up to face new challenges. • Collect over 120 weapons and magical items – then combine them to create thousands more. • Discover 6 different guardians each with a different set of magical powers to aid you. • Defeat over 80 types of monsters and challenge giant sized bosses.
• Explore a huge world of over 100 maps, from desert to icy tundra and lush grassland. • More than 30 hours of role-playing action and adventure.
Hallo Semua saya akan membagikan game mobile Heroes Lore Zero English Version salah satu game RPG Terbaik karena memiliki alur cerita yang seru serta memiliki kurang lebih 6 lokasi dan 400 item untuk ditelusuri dan dicoba,ditambah varian monster berbeda lebih dari 100!Digame ini karakter yang kita pakai bisa memilih profesi seperti Knight, Warrior, Gunblader, Assasin, Gunslinger dan Elementalist.skill khusus dapat ditingkatkan setiap naik level dan ditambah grafis animasi dan sound bagus membuat game ini semakin seru dimainkan. Fitur Game: • Desain grafik yang sangat bagus. • Terdapat 6 profesi yang bisa Gamers pilih, Knight, Warrior, Gunblader, Assasin, Gunslinger dan Elementalist. • Terdapat 6 lokasi yang harus dijelajahi • Lebih dari 400 macam item dan senjata yang dapat dikumpulkan • Menerima Quest dari penduduk sekitar • Terdapat lebih dari 100 monster, dan 30 skill bertarung.
Tips untuk membuka Profesi Gunblader dan Elementalist: • UNLOCK PROFESI GUNBLADER Masuk ke 'inn' di kota yg ada pelabuhan dan perpustakaan. Dalam inn, berdirilah di samping atau belakang pelayan inn. Bicara dan beri 1000g untuk ke masuk arena belakang (ada 10 level) kalahkan sejumlah musuh sampai pintu level berikutnya, di level 10 ambil semua item dan kembali ke inn. Pergi ke atas kanan kamar inn dan bicara kepada orang itu. Ia akan meminta AUTOMATIC. Masuklah ke arena sekali lagi dan selesaikan. Jagan lupa buka semua chest box.
Setelah itu kembali bicara ke orang tersebut. Dan profesi GUNBLADE bisa digunakan. • UNLOCK PROFESI ELEMENTALIST Selesai game, lanjut ke expert atau hell mode selesaikan primary quest 'elementalist' menggunakan GUNBLADER. Buat yang ingin memainkanya langsung download Gamenya dibawah ini. Heroes Lore - Zero [EN] 240x320.