Digicom Driver Usb Wave 54

Driver win7 x64 digicom wave 54 usb. USB WAVE 54 8E4213 Versione Bundle con Michelangelo Wave. Versione driver () Nota: da utilizzarsi sulle versioni fino al SN 3669696.

Digicom Pci Wave 54 now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 32bit, Windows XP Home Edition, for home desktops and laptops 32bit, Windows 8 Pro 64bit, Windows 10 IoT 64bit, Windows Vista Home Basic 64bit, Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit, Windows Vista Starter 64bit, Windows 10 S 64bit, Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit, Windows 10 Pro Education 32bit, Windows 10 Mobile 32bit. Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager Digicom Pci Wave 54 H2.10378 For Windows 7 32 bit 2/4/2015 all_drivers-h2.10378.exe 146kb HP GX592AA-UUZ a6135.ch, HP HP Compaq nx6325, MSW GmbH & Co. KG Intel DP55WB, Sony VPCEB1S8E, Sony VGN-NS255D, HP RR492AA-ABE s7730.es, Packard Bell EASYNOTE PB62S00106, Lenovo ThinkPad X61s, HP Pavilion ze8500, and more. Digicom Pci Wave 54 222.174 For Windows 7 64 bit 8/28/2014 all_drivers-222.174.exe 147kb ASUS 1008HA, LG B55MS.ARB4B1K, HP P7-1010esm, HP HP 620, and more. Digicom Pci Wave 54 261.1 For Windows 7 all_drivers-261.1.exe 121kb CompUSA PC Work Series, IBM 921035M, HP KT394AA-AB4 S3580D, Toshiba SATELLITE L850-A892, NEC PC-VT1000J6FD, HP PW706AA-ABM W5010LA, Toshiba Satellite X505, Acer MX4SG-4DL, and more.

Digicom Pci Wave 54 O70280 For Windows 10 all_drivers-o70280.exe 119kb LG LW65-KDTRV, HP HP Compaq nx6310, Dell Precision T5610, Lenovo ThinkPad W520, IBM 8183Y59, IBM ThinkCentre M52, HP KQ519AA-ABU IQ500.uk, HP HPE-375a, Sony VPCF13NFX, Panasonic CF-31UEUJDDA, ASUS 1015T, NEC PC-LL700ED, and more. Digicom Pci Wave 54 K41.102.11.1 For Windows 10 64 bit 3/6/2015 all_drivers-k41.102.11.1.exe 155kb Acer Aspire 5735, Sony VGN-SZ38TP_C, Sony SVF14N13CLS, Sony VGNFW590GJB, Sony VPCCW1MFX, Fujitsu FMVNFD75RG, and more. Digicom Pci Wave 54 82493 For Windows 7 32 bit 1/16/2015 all_drivers-82493.exe 81kb HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF PC, Sony VGN-FE21HR, Gateway E4252, Shuttle SD10, Advent DT2, Sony VGN-UX90PS, Supermicro SYS-5017C-MF, HP PS235AA-ABF m1280.f, IBM 621936U, Lenovo ThinkPad T510i, and more.


Digicom Pci Wave 54 70697 For Windows 7 64 bit 1/16/2015 all_drivers-70697.exe 42kb Compaq 5411EA 470029-828, Fujitsu FMVNR1PH, VVIKOO VI P67 PRO, Seneca Pro76566, Aquarius Aquarius Std, Pro, Elt, Toshiba DynaBook G6C/X18CME, and more. Cuteftp pro 9 serial key. Digicom Pci Wave For Windows 7 all_drivers-41.1400.exe 195kb Toshiba Satellite P20, NEC PC-LL550MG1J, Gateway M-7332H, Compaq PW750AA-ABF SR1428FR FR520, BYTSPD ByteSpeed LLC, HP FQ641AA-AC4 s3715b, Sony VPCEC2RFX, ASUS BM5275, and more. Digicom Pci Wave 54 H80293 For Windows 10 1/15/2015 all_drivers-h80293.exe 173kb Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E8310, Fujitsu LifeBook A6210, Toshiba Satellite C855-S5194, ELITEGROUP 330, Compaq PC139A-ABA SR1115CL NA431, IBM IBM System x3650 -[7979BJU, Lenovo SS09221149, Panasonic CF-W2EW6AXS, NEC NEC POWERMATE V6122, and more. Digicom Pci Wave 54 2392.12 For Windows 10 64 bit all_drivers-2392.12.exe 163kb Sony VPCEH18FK, Fujitsu FMVCEG45N7, HP HP 2000-150CA Notebook PC, Toshiba SATELLITE C855-1X3, Packard Bell SPIRIT 3000, HP GS407AA-ABZ a6229.it, Lenovo ThinkStation S10, Packard Bell EASYNOTE PB62S00106, Lenovo 7659V26, THEIS TH-C346/945GZME-RH/512/80/Midi-Towe, Acer NC-V5-531-10076G50MASS, HP Compaq nx9040, and more.

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