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April 15, 2013 Caterpillar contact: Jim Dugan Global Government & Corporate Affairs 309-494-4100 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PEORIA, Ill. – Building on the foundation of 6 Sigma and the Caterpillar Production System (CPS), Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) today announced the creation of a new order-to-delivery organization. Caterpillar’s Board of Directors has appointed Dave Bozeman, current Caterpillar vice president with the responsibility for the Integrated Manufacturing Operations Division, to lead the new organization.
Apr 15, 2013 Caterpillar Announces New Organization to Drive Sustained Improvements in Customer Deliveries and Operational Efficiencies and to Build on Recent Product Quality Improvements. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. – Building on the foundation of 6 Sigma and the Caterpillar Production System (CPS), Caterpillar Inc. Feb 13, 2018 - Stop signs at intersections.Fleet Production and Cost (FPC) A Caterpillar exclusive. Reduce Cost per Ton With Road Analysis. Caterpillar Fleet.
In his new role, Bozeman will be senior vice president with responsibility for the Caterpillar Enterprise System Group. He will be a member of Caterpillar’s Executive Office and will report directly to Caterpillar Chairman and CEO Doug Oberhelman. This change and others in this announcement will be effective May 1, 2013. 'In recent years, 6 Sigma and CPS have helped us achieve outstanding results in safety, quality and profitability across the company,” Oberhelman said. “But in order to get to the next level of performance, we are bringing together the critical processes and support groups to further improve our manufacturing and supply chain capabilities worldwide. From the moment a customer signs a dealer purchase order, until the product arrives at their door, customers will experience a more responsive Caterpillar, driven by this new organization,” Oberhelman added.
“For the last few years, Dave has been successfully leading one of the largest and most globally complex manufacturing divisions within Caterpillar. Prior to joining Caterpillar, he held executive leadership positions in manufacturing and quality with Harley Davidson. These combined experiences position Dave to be the ideal leader for this new group,” said Oberhelman. “Having Dave as part of our Executive Office will allow all of us to work directly with him and his new team as we aggressively move to implement these improvements for our customers.” Since late 2012, Caterpillar Group President Gerard Vittecoq has been leading a strategic initiative to establish an enterprise vision to deliver world-class lean results, based upon process capability.
'The Caterpillar Enterprise System Group builds upon the strong foundation of our Caterpillar Production System and 6 Sigma. It starts with customer expectations and driving competitive advantage.
We are aligning all critical elements of our customer order-to-delivery process with a holistic view that will deliver world-class results,” said Vittecoq. As previously announced, Vittecoq will retire from Caterpillar on May 31, 2013, after more than 37 years with the company. Magicscan portable scanner driver download for windows 10. Under Bozeman’s leadership, the new Caterpillar Enterprise System Group will combine existing divisions and organizations from several functional areas within Caterpillar including Global Purchasing, Manufacturing Logistics & Transportation, Caterpillar Production System, Lean Office and Process Transformation.
New responsibilities for Denise Johnson: Caterpillar’s Board of Directors has appointed Denise Johnson to replace Bozeman as vice president with responsibility for the Integrated Manufacturing Operations Division. Johnson is currently vice president with responsibility for the Diversified Products Division. Previously, she was general manager of Caterpillar’s Specialty Products Business Unit, where she had responsibility for 17 facilities across the Americas, Europe and Asia. She joined Caterpillar in 2011 following a career with General Motors (GM), where she developed deep expertise in manufacturing operations and product management in a series of positions in the U.S., Canada and Brazil. “Denise brought a proven, global track record in manufacturing and product development leadership to Caterpillar, and in a short period of time, she has demonstrated exceptional capabilities by driving process improvements and greater business performance,” said Steve Wunning, Caterpillar group president with responsibility for Resource Industries.
New responsibilities for Steve Larson: With the decision to integrate the Manufacturing Logistics & Transportation (ML&T) group of Cat Logistics into the new Caterpillar Enterprise System Group, Caterpillar has decided to combine its parts distribution business and its Diversified Products Division into a new division, which will be led by Steve Larson, current vice president with responsibility for the Parts Distribution & Logistics Division. The new division will be called the Parts Distribution & Diversified Products Division and will include Parts Distribution, Global Paving, Forest Products, Caterpillar Industrial & Waste Group, OEM Solutions Group, Defense & Federal Products, Global Work Tools & Services and Caterpillar Tunneling Canada. “Steve has provided outstanding leadership for our Parts Distribution & Logistics Division, including overseeing the sale of Caterpillar’s third party logistics business and the multi-year expansion and enhancement of the Cat parts distribution network,” said Stu Levenick, Caterpillar group president with responsibility for Customer & Dealer Support.